You Are Not a Fortuneteller

I stumbled upon an interesting concept in a book recently. Social psychologist Roy Baumeister studies “anticipated aloneness” and the effects that envisioning being alone in the future has on people. Just imagining future rejection and loneliness actually knocks people’s IQ down a few points and makes it harder for them to engage in rational thought about anything.   The problem …

The Empathy Gemach

A few days after my younger sister got engaged, my friend’s younger sister also got engaged. Similar situation, same age difference. And I had this moment when I went, Oh! I get to pay it forward already! Because over the weeks around the engagement, I had experienced just how amazing it feels to receive empathy from others who can put …

Plot Twist

My younger sister is engaged. The one who was in elementary school when I was in seminary. I didn’t think this would really happen.   When I sat down to write this post, I wasn’t sure which direction to take it in. To let you know how I’m doing? To share chizuk with anyone in the same situation? To philosophize …

At a Family Simcha

Recently, we had a family bar mitzvah. As I sat there Friday night, it occurred to me that the topic of being single at a family simcha is one of those that periodically creates a stir in one publication or another. Why? Well, because many things about being single create unnecessary stirs, that’s why.   In general, people tend to follow …

Old Photos

Open up an album or a box of family photos. Find old pictures of yourself (alone and/or with other people). A variety of photos. Not just the cutest ones. The ones that make your heart twinge when you look at them. The birthday party where I threw that tantrum. The hayride where everyone else is smiling and I’m glaring at …

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