
A few weeks ago, a line jumped out at me in an article I was reading in one of the frum women’s magazines. It went something like, “It feels like yesterday that I was a teen but at 30, I’m practically a mother of teens myself.”   Say what?   I once wrote a post about throwing away the timelines, …

What Works For You (Might Not Work For Me)

Hi, all. The following is a conversation that never took place (but probably should have, and still might). I suspect this will resonate with you. “Mrs. Cohen” is a composite figure and the social worker is yours truly. Enjoy.   Hi, Mrs. Cohen, do you have a few minutes to talk? I’m calling with a suggestion for you.   Oh! …


It goes without saying that life will never be the same. We are living through a moment in history unlike anything we’ve experienced in our lifetimes. And earth-shaking changes like this make most everything else seem trivial by comparison. There will be time to write and talk about other things soon enough (and I intend to, on this blog), but …

How To Unfreeze

How quickly the world turns upside down! Do you even remember life before COVID-19? When I was blogging about stuff like shidduch pictures (lol)? It was another reality…but we will get back there, please G-d! And as Rabbi Manis Friedman said in a video clip I saw, we will have a healthier planet and a nobler human race when we do. …

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