A Few Words From My Friend Winston

In tenth grade I wrote a ten page research paper on Winston Churchill. The man was a terrific orator, and one of the best parts of having to research his life was reading through pages of quotes from his speeches and personal interactions. I still love me a Churchill zinger.   Naturally, he had plenty to say about shidduchim: First …

Lucky Duckies

To be honest, although I try to stay in touch with concepts like “the shidduch crisis has no mathematical basis” or “it isn’t my fault that I’m struggling so much” or “sometimes we just have to wait for the right time” —  I go through these phases when I seriously don’t believe any of the above. This rainy week was …

Things I Have Learned About Clothes Shopping

You’d think shopping would have come up on the blog by now (I mean, really), but for some reason it hasn’t. These tips could be a subcategory of Secrets of Adulthood. I wrote them up after a pretty intense shopping marathon this week. It’s officially summer weather and the shopping couldn’t be put off any longer, much as I dread …

Voice Lessons

So remember how I once said I always wanted ballet lessons? And finally took lessons in my twenties? This winter my lifelong dream of voice lessons started to come true. For literally years I wanted to find a voice teacher but I stalled because I didn’t know precisely what to be looking for in a teacher or what to expect …

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