Three Things
It’s nice to be doing this again.
It’s nice to be doing this again.
Good chodesh to all. I hope this month and the new year ahead bring comfort and salvation after this unbelievably painful time.
A few months ago, my cousin shared with me that a gadol had advised her to daven for a shidduch at kivrei avos. She was researching gedolim in our family tree and asked if I wanted to come to Poland with her to daven at the kever of the Bach.
Hi, all. This week vanished between Erev and Tisha b’Av, and prepping for my trip. I’m going to take a break from posting for the rest of August but iyH will come back refreshed with lots more to write! Circling back to a few things I wrote about in the past:
A few things I enjoyed recently.
A few more things:
Just a few beautiful words:
A few things:
Here is my list of 100 dreams. There is no way this could comprehensively cover everything I want to do in my life because I always come up with more ideas, but this is the list at the moment. Some items are specific and detailed, others are more general because I’m simply thinking in that direction (i.e. “Visit Japan”). And …
A few things from this week: