How To Enjoy Restaurants With Friends
My slightly-controversial list of rules for an enjoyable restaurant experience:
My slightly-controversial list of rules for an enjoyable restaurant experience:
A fun journaling prompt from The Vein of Gold by Julia Cameron had me writing a list of five alternate careers. I used the prompt twice, a few months apart, and here is my list in total:
The weather is getting beautiful, the days are longer, and my schedule is opening. I’m excited to get back into taking myself on little day trips. Here are a few places I want to go in NYC:
I’ve noticed that May tends to be a month of important changes for me (a few dating parshas, my move), and each year as May approaches, I wonder what new development is headed my way. Two friends recently pointed out, separately, that as much as we often feel stuck and as if we are spinning our wheels (in shidduchim …
Before a work luncheon, we each had to submit a fun fact about ourselves for a guessing game. Here’s mine: I cannot drink caffeinated coffee. I start to visibly shake and can’t write or type! I even react to the coffee in coffee yogurt. I know a few other people like this, any of you? (People tell me they are …
If you’ve been here for any length of time, you probably know I enjoy visiting art museums. I savor the creative stimulation, the layers of history, and the peace and quiet. Here are a few fun ways to enjoy an art museum (some from The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker, others from this article by Gretchen Rubin, others my …
I enjoy learning about myself as an adult, getting to understand my likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, etc. in a more nuanced way. I finally put my finger on the sense of dread that creeps up for me when the weather warms up — even though it’s the nicest weather! It’s the spring wardrobe change that makes my heart sink. …
Last night I synced something with something on my phone, and just like that, 150 notes from my Notes app disappeared. After searching for a solution and trying a few suggestions (including restarting my phone twice), I had to admit that the notes were gone. I set about writing a list of the notes I had lost and trying to …
Hello, all. I just found this YouTube playlist of Shmuel Kunda story tapes and felt like I came upon a gold mine (Is it legal? Should we keep this between us?). I’ll need to work my way it without delay. First up – When Zaidy Was Young. Hope you enjoy this too!
Recently I went for a short trip to E”Y and it was more restorative and helpful than I could have hoped for. I once heard that when you are desperate for a vacation, that means you needed one long ago, and that is how I felt going into this trip. I had also not been to Eretz Yisroel in …