Reading in 2025
I’m determined to make the most of my Kindle and I want to always have a good book downloaded and ready to go. Here are a dozen books I’d like to read in 2025.
I’m determined to make the most of my Kindle and I want to always have a good book downloaded and ready to go. Here are a dozen books I’d like to read in 2025.
Several years ago, I read The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller. This book is about how to create a culture of reading in an elementary school classroom. The signature of this program is the 40 Book Challenge. Each student is challenged to read forty books on their own over the course of the school year. They are not graded on …
I wrote a summer reading list which I will probably not end up following (keeping it real here) but wanted to share anyway.
Around Succos time I checked out mounds of picture books from the library towards my goal of reading the Caldecott winners in order. (I modified that goal to simply be “read more picture books this year,” which I’ve accomplished). Here are a few beautiful books I enjoyed:
On Shabbos as I powered through a sweet middle-grade novel, I realized that I can basically divide my reading habits into weekday and Shabbos reading. Weekday reading is mostly non-fiction of the self-help variety, the kind that I skim, or dip into, think about, write about, sometimes blog about…while Shabbos reading is all about good stories that engage me for …
A favorite picture book of mine is The Empty Pot by Demi. I won’t spoil it if you’d like to read it, but I like to think it is a story about how sometimes you can do everything right and still not get the outcome that you wanted, and there is a bigger reason for that. You can find video …
Sometimes I’m asked how I find books to read and how I always have a pile of books checked out of the library. The truth is I am always on the lookout for interesting books. I get recommendations from various blogs, from Goodreads, and sometimes from other people. I have definitely found that the more I read, the better feel …
I like to always have a variety of books checked out of the library, even if I don’t have time to read them all. I often dip in and out of various books, and it’s pleasant just having them around for company. I call this my book buffet.
I recently discovered a podcast devoted to all things Anne of Green Gables and it gave me an idea. I want to form a book club dedicated to rereading the entire Anne of Green Gables series and discussing each book through adult eyes. We would meet every six weeks for a year to sip raspberry cordial and revisit Echo …
I finished The Giver, by Lois Lowry, for the first time last week. I had started it years ago and dropped it in middle because I found it disturbing, but one of my students had to read it so I read it too. I still find it disturbing but also moving and profound. The story centers around Jonas, an …