Bobbing on the Water

This is the time of year I usually set goals. And I love doing that, normally. I’m simply not feeling it this year. I still have plenty to aim towards in general, of course: progressing in my career in some way, continuing to work on my PhD, hopefully traveling to nice places and reading good books…but I’m not striving for anything. Not right now. I’m just going to bob on the water. Just being.


This year was a very painful one for many people close to me. I kept thinking of Queen Elizabeth’s “annus horribilus.” It’s been a draining one for me, too. And I just need to be for awhile. Maybe in January or some time I’ll get my goal-setting juice up again. It’ll have to happen on its own. And that is all.



  1. S.D.

    Thank you for sharing with us. You encapsulate the ups and downs of being human in such a poignant and relatable way. I sometimes feel exactly the same.
    P.S. We are called human beings, not human doings. 🙂

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