Birthday Blessings

My sister tells me over from her seminary teacher: We don’t need birthday parties to confirm that the world is better for having us in it. It’s the truth every day of the year!


So there’s that, if partying is not your thing. For my most recent birthday, I was going to do a boat ride and a restaurant with a couple of friends. Then I decided I’d rather do something myself, to be entirely honest. So I did, and had a great time, and in the end, I also got together with cousins for dinner and was reminded that there’s nothing like family.


A birthday is a time to really stop and realize how far you’ve come this year. The ups and downs you’ve experienced, and the gifts they’ve given you, and the gifts you’ve given the world. Everyone’s got their own personal day of reflection, isn’t that nice? 🙂 (And by the way, if every eligible adult would give blood on their birthday, there would be no more blood shortages).


My sister also referred me to Tehillim Perek Beis, pesukim 8-9 as a (or the?) source for the idea that on our birthday, we have a special power to daven for whatever our heart desires: “…Hashem said to me, ‘You are My child, today I have begotten you. Ask of Me and I will make nations your inheritance, and your possession the ends of the earth.'”


I hope you enjoy your next birthday to the fullest wherever you are! The world is better for having you in it!

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