This is the time of the calendar year when all the end-of-year lists come out and the goal-setting commences! One fun exercise is to choose a theme word for the upcoming year. I’ve been tossing around a few ideas for fun but don’t think this is the year for me to commit to one (that sounds lol, but honestly this is in the vein of what I shared here about kind of bobbing along right now). I liked the idea of Fabric, as in, I want to focus on the habits that create the fabric of my life and want to help build the fabric of my (singles) community. I also like Character, which reminds me that I’m in a story not of my own writing, but that I can write my character role to some extent (and work on my character!). Then in a writing group session with clients, someone wrote about Snow Globes and I thought this could be such a good word of the year: a reminder to create magic and enchantment in small ways.
So what might be your word of the year?