DITL: Wednesday

We’re getting there!

5:20 I wake up without an alarm. Snuggle in my bed and read on my phone for a bit.

5:55 Get up and dressed.

6:05 Draft blog posts.

7:00 Davening.

7:35 Leave the house for my commute. I listen to today’s episode of Happier with Gretchen Rubin on the train.

8:45 Get to the office, eat my yogurt.

9:00 Clients on Zoom.

11:00 Tech issues.

11:30 Nothing on my to-do list. Read my guidebook and type up notes for Prague.

1:00 Lunch. Pizza store. I listen to today’s episode of the Ben Shapiro Show on my walk.

2:00 Work at my desk. I daven mincha during this time.

5:00 Leave office and go downtown by subway to the Nova Music Festival exhibit.

5:30 I arrive. I spend an hour at the exhibit. It is extremely upsetting and I cry through it. I don’t regret going.

6:30 I get a little lost looking for the subway station, which was right outside the exhibit.

6:45 I find the subway and start my trip home. I have a bit of a wait for my transfer. I also buy supper en route.

8:40 I am back home and decide to get ready for bed before eating supper. I’m not really hungry.

9:25 Eat my sushi.

9:40 Wind down and journal.

10:15 Lights out.


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