DITL: Tuesday

Moving right along…

5:05 Wake up without my alarm. My bed is so warm and cozzzzy…I check email and read mindlessly on my phone for an hour. Finally…

6:05 Get up and dressed.

6:15 Davening.

6:50 Read a chapter in the textbook for my Sunday class.

7:50 Add some materials to my Blackboard shell for the class (by the way, this is my first time teaching this course and hopefully I’ll teach it again and have way less prep next time around!) and…I’m not sure what else I did. I was on my computer and one thing led to another.

8:20 Breakfast.

8:25 Grocery shopping for a few items.

8:50 I heat up milk and make a mug of hot chocolate (season’s over but I’m just in the mood). This takes…awhile?

9:10 Journal (I start work at 11 on Tuesdays) and wash dishes.

9:30 Call a friend.

10:00 Log onto a meeting about my PhD roadmap. You guys, if I stick to this plan I should finish my PhD sometime in 2027. Iy”H. Man plans…let us see.

10:15 Read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! I am nearing the end. I stop at a major moment in the book (meeting in the Shrieking Shack, I’ll say no more).

11:00 Work (from home). Phone calls and emails about a couple programs I am coordinating.

1:00 Lunch break. I walk to the bakery for a doughnut.

1:20 Back in my apartment, I have lunch – whole wheat crackers and chummus, radishes, and blueberries for dessert. (I run out of time to eat the doughnut). I think this meal is quite spring-y.

2:00 Client on Zoom.

3:00 Supervision on Zoom.

4:00 More calls.

6:00 Generally I would have a client now but have nothing scheduled so I put supper in the oven (same as last night) and catch up on final work calls. I also daven mincha during this time. And eat the doughnut.

7:00 Really engaging book talk with the Museum of Jewish Heritage on Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides After the Holocaust by Robin Judd. I eat supper during the webinar.

8:00 I read the last stretch of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

9:15 Start nighttime routine.

10:00 Lights out (you are all an incredible influence on me, I have not had a week with such bedtimes since I don’t know when).


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