Making Space

This article from Ingrid Fetell Lee was right up my alley (she also wrote this one). In it, she writes about the three things that helped her when she was single (before marrying in her 30’s): resolving to never settle, leaving space in her schedule for something new, and dealing with her personal obstacles to love. I’ve been doing the first and third things she writes about, but the second is where I have trouble. Of course, being very busy is adaptive too — it obviously fills a need — but recently (prior to reading her article) I’d been thinking about how to open up more time in my schedule, so it resonated with me.

I thought about the way single women are told to fill their lives up with activities and hobbies to pass the time, keeping busy as a way to distract from what was missing in life…I pared back the schedule, dialed back the dating, and made large swaths of time to be alone. Whenever I felt lonely, I thought about this idea of being a spot of bare ground, leaving space for something new to grow.


Anyway, hope you enjoy, and would love to hear your thoughts!


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