How To Enjoy an Art Museum

If you’ve been here for any length of time, you probably know I enjoy visiting art museums. I savor the creative stimulation, the layers of history, and the peace and quiet. Here are a few fun ways to enjoy an art museum (some from The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker, others from this article by Gretchen Rubin, others my own):


  1. Look at one work of art for 20 minutes.
  2. Note names of donors and read about them.
  3. Think about how you could use a space in the museum for another purpose (maybe for a wedding?).
  4. Look for one element throughout the collection (i.e. boats, hats, pastries).
  5. Name an abstract work of art before reading the label.
  6. Read labels and learn three new words (I always find informational labels in art museums to be full of words I have never read before).
  7. Look for a color or color family.
  8. Focus on one section in-depth.
  9. Choose what you would steal.
  10. Pay attention to the background.


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