Congratulations to Us

This graduation season, I want to give a shoutout to all of us, wherever we are on the education/career pathway (or whether we’re not on it at all). Graduation is one of those markers of time passing, and if you feel a little funny thinking about the planeloads of freshly-finished young ladies touching down after seminary, you’re not alone. It feels so distant from me, mostly, and then I remember that my cousin is on one of those planes and she’s starting shidduchim now at ten years younger than me. And that befuddles me, frankly — what is this slippery thing called time?


I would like to invite you all to reflect on your personal travels in life since you graduated high school or seminary. How did things turn out differently than you expected? How did things turn out the same? What strengths of yours have you discovered? What has been your greatest struggle? What has been your greatest triumph? What advice would you give your younger self upon her graduation? What advice would you give this year’s graduates? What are you grateful for in this season of your life?


Congrats, grad of 20___. Never stop learning.

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