Shaar HaBitachon

I just joined an easy learning program that I have been gaining a lot from. Each week, I get a recording of a short class on Chovos HaLevavos Shaar HaBitachon, given by Mrs. M’nucha Bialik, a dating coach in Ramat Beit Shemesh (and a very dear mentor). The classes are about 15-20 minutes long. Mrs. Bialik started this program after she recommended learning the sefer in her teleconference but many people told her that they weren’t comfortable learning it on their own.


Here is one point from my notes on the first class:


If one places their trust in a power other than Hashem, their fate is given over to the hands of that power. In shidduchim, this could be the power of shadchanim, connections, accomplishments, beauty…If we trust in Hashem and nothing else, He remains intimately involved with our situation and takes care of us so we never have to worry about what people might say or do.


If you would like to register for the course, email mnuchabialik at The cost is $30 for the year. (I imagine she can send you access to the first few classes.) This is not a sponsored post. I just thought this was something great to tell more people about.

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