Quick note: I want to mention that I’ve recently ordered some items from a list requested by chayalim that a friend of mine shared on a group chat. My friend gets lists from Lev LaChayal, shares them with her group, then packs duffel bags with the items that people order and sends them to Israel. It’s possible that you have a similar program in your community, so I wanted to mention this as we talk about gifting.
This year I decided to give myself a gift for each night of Chanukah. A couple weeks ago, I made a list of some things I wanted to get myself or to do, and saved them up for Chanukah. Here is my list (I added prices because I was curious to see what this added up to, and left them in for entertainment purposes):
- Pancake mix!! And the time to make pancakes. ($3.49)
- A certificate entitling me to buy new makeup products from a proper makeup counter in a department store (it’s been yeears and I’m kind of tired of buying random items at Ulta). ($100 or so)
- Cascatelli, a pasta shape I have wanted to try since reading this with my students, and a jar of sauce. ($6.98)
- That Pride and Prejudice game that made me laugh this summer. If no one wants to play it with me, I will read the cards and laugh to myself. ($24.99)
- Sipping Chocolate! ($5.99)
- A certificate entitling me to make a regular appointment with All Creatures Great and Small. (I am not much of a watcher, but I think it will be good for me to sit and enjoy something light and heartwarming, instead of thinking about which professional training to take next). (Free, I will borrow DVDs from the library because I’m a 90’s baby).
- A batch of nonpareils cookies, baked by me, because nonpareils are festive and pretty and I want to bake with them. (Free, we have the ingredients in the house, I think).
- Placeholder! Will update when I think of something. Ideas?
Hmm, looks like my love languages are quality time and carbs 🙂 .
So fun! You’re inspiring me.
Some ideas that would make me happy: a new book, a funny sweatshirt (I’m also eyeing this sweatshirt here — how fun? https://www.etsy.com/listing/1516417744/custom-bookshelf-sweatshirt-personalized?click_key=0942eaa29a5c447e557372fdfdd8a1e0e2650f63%3A1516417744&click_sum=aff757f5&ref=shop_home_feat_4&pro=1&sts=1&source=aw&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=us_location_buyer&utm_content=136348&utm_term=0&sv1=affiliate&sv_campaign_id=136348&awc=6220_1699909585_edeb22592871671a700a16a5337b92b1), a new game, cozy slippers, a facial gift certificate, or a massage.
I love ALL these ideas! The bookshelf sweatshirt reminds me of this: https://www.idealbookshelf.com/products/custom-print
So cute!
Also, a sweatshirt that makes me smile: https://store.moma.org/products/ed-ruscha-oof-champion-hoodie (but I’d never spend this on a sweatshirt, lol).
If you’re a Pride and Prejudice fan, check out this adorable map: https://www.etsy.com/listing/925371500/pride-prejudice-watercolor-map-art-print?click_key=0f1ab20564e1189ca3f569b389ce591ae9a72eb1%3A925371500&click_sum=5cb12bc4&ref=shop_home_active_34&crt=1&sts=1
How beautiful! I love the whole shop!
Also, I kind of want a picnic basket. Complete with a picnic blanket and some apple pie.
This is an amazing idea! It’s a gift but also an experience. I also really love anything that romanticizes ordinary life and a picnic basket is just the right kind of thing.
I’m into finding the everyday joys in life.
Do you know if the Sipping Chocolate you recommended is chalav stam or just dairy equipment? Thanks!
I am going to check the canister later but I believe the ingredients are pareve and it may contain milk. Will let you know bn!
Yes that’s what it is. I should add that the mix is a bit underwhelming lol.
Got it, thanks so much! Will let you know if I end up buying it. 🙂