We’re really at the end of the calendar year and I’m pinching myself. This year was FULL of ups and downs, and I’d like to give a shout-out to the things that helped me along (I did this last year, too).
- Rick Steves guidebooks. You know I love them.
- Grocery store prepared chicken (stuffed capons, marinated cutlets, breaded drumsticks). The stuff of many, many dinners alongside roasted baby peppers, cauliflower, or sweet potatoes.
- Bravo Kosher Pizza in NYC.
- Not a thing, but a person – the woman who blow dries my hair most weeks. A true MVP!!
- Artscroll’s Chofetz Chaim: A Lesson a Day. I read this on my family chat and it’s an anchor.
- My little dining room table which does it all. (Honorable mention to my grandparents’ couch!)
What are yours? I’d love to hear.