Elul is when I take stock of the previous year and think about the direction I want to go in the coming year, but January is also an opportune time to reflect on the past and plan for the future, if only because that’s what planners and calendars accommodate. While I haven’t made any resolutions per se (more of an Elul activity anyway), last week I thought about the things I’d like to accomplish in 2020. They’re not specific goals, for the most part — more like general themes or meaningful undertakings that I want to be able to look back on at the end of 2020 and think, look at that!
- Get married. Yes, I know this is a gift, not a goal. However, I’d like to keep working towards this in the best ways that present themselves, whatever that might look like. Also, I think 2020 is a super-cool year to get married.
2. Move to Eretz Yisroel. Again, not something I can really control at this point in my life because I don’t want to move as a single — but if I’m hoping my dreams come true this year, I might as well aim high!
3. Start a podcast. I always play around with this idea. I have so much to say and so many interests, sometimes when I’m reading or thinking about something interesting, I think, “Wouldn’t it be great if I could just broadcast this to the world?” I don’t know exactly how I’d organize the show or what it would focus on, but I love it in theory.
4. Finish a book manuscript. My idea is to organize and edit my blog content into book format, plus additional content. I have a notebook where I jot down ideas for this project. It’s a work-in-progress, just like this blog.
5. Learn to speed read (or at least read a lot faster). I want to be able to read more and I’m actually pretty slow, apparently because I’m not applying the right tricks.
6. Check out a maximum of two library books at a time. This will cut down on clutter, both bedside and mental, and will hopefully encourage me to be more mindful about book selection. I work around the corner from the library, which is convenient.
7. Read 50 books. This goes hand-in-hand with items 5 and 6. In a typical calendar year, I read between 30-40 books and I’m hoping to improve my reading efficiency.
8. Keep a gratitude journal. This keeps popping up as the number one suggestion for how to feel happier more of the time. I kept a gratitude journal for a short period a few years back and now I want to try again. Let’s see how this goes!
9. Walk 20 minutes every single day. This is the only one that I’m actually tracking. I was inspired by a Gretchen Rubin podcast to commit to walking 20 minutes every single day of 2020. In order to reach this goal, I am allowed to amble, power walk, jog, or whatever. I can walk by myself or with a partner. I can walk indoors or outdoors. I can split the 20 minutes between two 10 minute walks if need be, just as long as I go for at least 20 minutes of walking per day aside from whatever walking is already happening naturally in my schedule.
10. Eat lunch. I started making this a priority a few weeks ago, but I’m focusing on eating filling and nutritious lunches at work. I make either a wrap or a salad each morning. I buy and prepare everything I need on Sunday: whole wheat wraps, salmon, turkey, grilled chicken, hard-boiled eggs, spinach/kale/arugula, Saladmate dressings, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted chickpeas…These are the salad containers and dressing containers I use and I have an insulated lunch bag from Vera Bradley. This whole project is a bit of a shift for me, I’ve been more of a crackers-and-string-cheese nibbler for a long time, but this daily self-care is paying off. I feel so much better the whole day.
11. Practice morning or evening yoga. I don’t have anything in mind for what this will look like but I’m curious to see what adding a few minutes of yoga to my day could do for me; my sister says it will make a huge difference and I’m ready to get on board.
12. Core strengthening. I don’t do too well with full-length exercise classes but I want to find short Pilates videos to do at home. They say that core strength is related to emotional strength — strengthening the former helps to strengthen the latter.
13. More sunshine. This summer I bought a beautiful new bathing suit and used it exactly once. I also went to the beach exactly once. More sunshine! Item 9 on this list should help me. The sun provides real nutrition to the mind and body. Even going for a walk outdoors on an overcast day gets you some sun nutrition. (Because I’m a nervous Nellie about certain things, I’ll remind you to wear SPF).
14. More coloring. I just pulled out my markers for the first time in months and they’re so appealing. More color and more coloring!
15. More smiling. The resting position of my face is pretty serious, even stern, and I don’t apologize for that but I would like to look lighter and brighter more often, especially when I’m with other people.
16. Get a skin check at the dermatologist. If it’s not too expensive (I’m terrible, I know), I’m thinking this is probably a responsible, adult-like activity.
17. Learn Nach. My Partner-in-Torah and I are learning our way through Chumash, but it’s been years since I’ve learned any of Sifrei Nach inside.
18. Do The Possible You seminar. My aunt, my friend, and l’havdil Rebbetzin Machlis a”h all highly recommended this seminar. I’m really intrigued. I think this is the year!
So I don’t actually have 20 items on my list at the moment, but I am not above deleting this paragraph at some future time and adding two more items when I think of them. For now, here’s what I’m hoping/dreaming/working for in 2020!
P.S. This post was inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s idea but I actually wrote it up before hearing hers (I think we overlap a couple of items). While I’m at it, I’ll share my thoughts on Gretchen Rubin’s brand/approach/podcast: I listen occasionally because I can relate to her love of knowledge and research about things that make you happier, but I also think it’s a largely superficial approach to living a better life. Sometimes I’m in the mood of a book like The Happiness Project but I want something that digs much deeper. So, credit where credit is due, and also, some context.
This was such a fun post for me to write! What’s on your list?